Wednesday 31 December 2014

Day out to cardiff

I've always loved the city, but I love it even more at Christmas/New Years.
No, not for the sales(ok maybe a little), but for the fact I've always loved the Christmas atmosphere.

Anyway, yesterday I went to cardiff, to spend my Christmas money, as did the majority of people around me. If you've ever been shopping around this time, then you'd know that the sales are CRAZY, so this was the perfect time to go.

*typical food selfie*
Obviously you can't shop on an empty stomach, so of course we had to stop for food, in this cute little pub. At the moment I'm a bit pasta obsessed, you know, just incase you were wondering.

Of course, a shopping trip isn't complete without a lovely strawberries and cream frappuccino. Successful shopping trip? Well I managed to spend every last penny so, yes!

Mini-haul coming up next,
Love, Caitlin xx

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