Sunday 29 January 2017

Love One Another

Hey everyone, so this is a bit of a deep post from me today but I thought after recent history making events that I'd share a few thoughts from my head. If you don't agree with me then don't abuse me or anything, I'm not about that life... this is purely my opinion.

Take a look at this photo. Just some colour scribbled onto man made concrete right? It'll probably wash off in the rain, and no one will ever mention it again. If only that was true for inequality. But no, inequality will never wash away, the man made stereotypes of what is right, how women should dress and act, what you should, how you should act... these will never wash away.
'Love One Another'
These simple three words speak absolute volumes to me,honestly. Our world today is filled and crammed with hatred, judgement and disrespect, and from the eye of a 15 year old girl, love is a thing of the past. But why are we like this? Why do we judge the girl across the road, or the man In the car opposite? Because society has grown up that way. The world has grown up to believe that the way us as individuals see things is the only way.

I understand we've come so far since lets say, the 19th century. Women got the vote, the majority of segregation is gone and we're given the opportunity to do pretty much whatever we want in life if we work hard for it, so we can't say life is all too bad, we've got it a million times better than they used to. But unfortunately, our narrow-minded globe deems the word 'gay' as an insult, sees women being imprisoned in the kitchen as a joke, and sees 'building walls' and banishing religions from countries as acceptable. Women are sexualised, gays are abused, refugees are deemed as terrorists, people who have found home and safety in countries such as the US and the UK for years and generations are told to 'go back to their own countries'. I don't know about you but it terrifies me that deep down, not much has changed, not as much as we'd hoped.

I think what we need to realise is that even though we may live in different countries, continents, cultures and climates, our bodies function the same. We're all the same inside, each and everyone of us have the same biological system whether Caucasian, black, gay, straight, Hispanic, Asian... we are all the same. That gay man you laughed at the other month, that kid you didn't speak to and walked away from because you felt intimidated. Each and every one of them have beating hearts, flesh and bones, and a brain, meaning they feel emotions, they have family friends, just like your family and friends, so why do we judge people on who they love and what they do and wear? They are no different to your cousins, brothers, sisters and aunties of whom you love so why cant we love eachother? I believe if we respected eachother, and valued others views and morals, the world would be a COMPLETELY different place. Its a shame to live on an earth without respect, so lets love one another

love you all no matter who you are,

Monday 16 January 2017

Beauty blogger tag + q&a 2017

If any of you follow my instagram (idkcaits_), you'll be aware that I have had exams for the last two weeks which I why I haven't posted on my blog. But they're over until the summer! I'm back, and to start off 2017, here's a little beauty tag that I got off Eleanor Wears Also at the end I've included some question s from lovely Instagram followers who you should totally give a follow, because there names will be mentioned! <3

1. Do you have any fashion or beauty icons? Who? 
- Honestly, I have no idea, how sad is that.

2. Beauty pet peeve?

- What a hard question, I have so many lol
Top pet peeves have to un natural-non faded eyebrows (the block brow) all the way, and when you get a little patch of dry skin and it's the worst because your foundation looks dreadful? Everyone knows what I mean right

3. Would you rather wear no makeup for the rest of your life or makeup everyday (but you can take it off when going to bed)

- Easy for me, I'd wear makeup for the rest of my life, as much as it's time consuming and I'd always be late, it's honestly the best part of my day sometimes! 

4. Do you have any tips or tricks makeup/cosmetic wise?

- I learnt a few acne tricks from Chloe morello actually, to do skincare and how to handle Spots! Comment if you'd like to know it! Honestly though cream eye shadows are just my main trick, nothing better than whacking one on and giving it a blend and being completely eyeshadowed up!

5. Kim K or Kendall Jenner makeup?

- this is also hard because both are so stunning, obviously Kim's is more dramatic, so am I allowed to say both? I'd probably wear Kendall's looks in the day time and opt for Kim's amazing artist mario in the evening.

6. Do you only buy cruelty-free makeup and if so why?

- Thing is, no I don't. I think it's an amazing idea honestly and I support anyone who has made the decision to do so, but personally I'm in love with MAC soft and gentle... 

7. Skincare or makeup?

- I'm absolutely obsessed with skincare!! I love it so much and I get super excited about it. But if I had to make the vital choice between both I'd choose makeup any day, ain't nobody seeing my brows without some ABH

Questions from Instagram 

Holy grail makeup product? (Laurenjhx) 

- if you read my blog a couple years back then you'll know about my glam eyes Rimmel London liquid liner, I'm still absolutely obsessed with it and I can't use anything else!!

Favourite fashion statement? (Itsellablog)

- HAS to be my beige suede Hollister jacket, or my Chelsea boots because I'm in love with them... even my black and gold topshop belt is super cute to add to outfits!

Eyeshadow or eyeliner? (fgsprincess)

- eyeliner eyeliner eyeliner, I have the smallest eyes and without eyeliner I don't feel complete 

Favourite lip product? (kara_hole) 

- hands down Kat Von D liquid lip in Lolita 2 because I live and die in that shade 

Favourite clothing line? (x.grace.holly.x)

- proooobably urban outfitters as a whole shop, although I love topshop, some Hollister things and any cute online boutique/stores

Thank you for reading this, I really really appreciate the support!<3

Follow my Instagram: @idkcaits_

Monday 2 January 2017

A trip to New York City

New York, concrete jungle where dreams are made of, there's nothing you can't do
Why is this so true 

I am no travel blogger at all, I don't know the top places to visit or best places for value of money in this beautiful city, but I can share an experience.
Earlier this year, a group of about 40 from my school jumped on a virgin airways flight and headed to The Big Apple, the king of all cities - NYC 

Ever since I was a child, I'd dreamed of New York (who doesn't right?). I'd watched Breakfast at Tiffany's on repeat and longed to capture the obligatory pictures of Grand Central Station and Central Park. I'd envisioned myself living like Serena Van Der Woodsen and strolling through the streets with a smile on my face and not a care in the world.  

When the opportunity came to visit my dreams, I ran home with the trip letter, logged the date in my countdown calendar and month by month, I handed in envelopes of money to school that would help me tick 'Visit New York City' off my bucket list.    

A wild Caitlin takes NYC

I Imagine I became annoying to anyone who spoke to me in the weeks leading up to the big day, plans of what to buy, what to photograph... I couldn't wait! Slowly but surely, the day to wake up at 4am came, I was up before my alarm, ready to take on the day of travelling! (A rare occurrence,  usually you don't see me until at least 10am)

Upon arriving at JFK airport, all 40 of us loaded our luggage into a bus (very quickly as this was New York and the cars behind the bus weren't too happy). Our tour guide was called Lyn and on our way to our hotel, she made sure we were aware of everything that surrounded us (queens, the houses, rent,   The bridges, politics... really the girl didn't stop at anything), Lyn was the first New Yorker I'd speak to and she'll have a place in my heart forever, love you Lyn<3
The bus trip was very cliche in my eyes, have you ever seen those films where they're driving into a new place or when a kid enters a toy store? That's probably what my face resembled, I was in awe. I was in New York City!!  

The first thing we did when we stepped off that bus (other than run across the road to avoid death, welcome to New York) was collect our room keys, cry about the rooms (ill talk more about that later)  and head straight away to the all famous Times Square to eat at Bubba Gump. 
Let me tell you, after over 24 hours of being conscious, and eating only a Pret-A-Manger sandwich because the plane food was inedible, I wasn't too chuffed to find out that I'd previously pre ordered a salad. A salad. That's what Caitlin of the past wanted for Caitlin of the future, a salad. 

My first moments in NY consisted of an old hotel room, a salad, and nearly dying of tiredness. But that was never gonna get me down!! Here's a breakdown of what we did:
•Ellis island and Liberty island 
•an hour or 2 in Century 21
• a visit to Wall Street
•Empire State Building
•9/11 memorial and museum
•A walk down Fifth Avenue 
•lunch at the Rockefeller 
•Central Park
•a walk from Central Park to our hotel (I died)
•Madison Square Garden Rangers vs Coyotes ice hockey game
•Grand Central Station at night
•United Nations tour 
•Broadway, School of Rock 
•One World observatory 
•Ice Skating at Rockefeller 
•Planet Hollywood restaurant 
•Shopping!! (Macy's, avenue of the Americas, Bloomingdales)
•Hard Rock Cafe   





By far the most incredible experiences were MSG, 9/11 museum and One World, or even just the buzz of the city! If you ever take a trip to the city, please please go and see a game at Madison Square Garden! The experience is like nothing else, it's on another level to our games in the UK! The enthusiasm of the fans is one you can't miss!
9/11... this museum has to be up there with the most heart breaking places. the museum is full of remenants and dedications, belongings and the history of others. The atmosphere is so quiet and unforgettable. Everyone is in shock, you truly see the devastation on another level. I adore the admiration and respect that everyone has towards the museum, memorial and the victims, it's like everyone comes together and learns the respect, young or old, you truly realise the devastation this event caused America.
One World is fairly new to the city, and I have to admit I felt abit eerie while looking and standing in the fascinating building. One World Trade Center. It is a representation and a symbol of how America has moved on in my eyes! The observatory is jaw dropping! A 360 degree, 104 story, 1776 ft high view of the famous city through glass, I could've spent hours just examining! there are many places in NYC where you can 'look down' on th city, however One World definitely supplies one worth living!

Our hotel:
Let me tell you this now, if you ever book to stay at Hotel Pennsylvania, don't expect a 5 star, super clean up to date hotel. I hardly slept if I'm honest...
The 1920s hotel, is exactly what it says on the tin, 1920s.

The hotel is very surreal and appears as if it could be in a horror movie quite frankly:)
Although if you're willing to look past that it is literally just a bed to sleep in and not much else (not even a hot shower if you decide to have a late one) then this hotel isn't that bad! Its always busy because of it's low prices and amazing location, that's pretty much all in my eyes... located on 7th Avenue this hotel is directly opposite MSG, about a 5 minute walk down to Times Square, right next to a subway station and also a couple blocks from the shops (macy's, VS, Shopping at times square). Theres also a shop in the lobby if you don't want to leave the hotel but you're hungry.
Due to our hotel being so close to Times Square, I found myself running out of money quicker than usual as I was literally shopping at 2-3am!!

If you decide to stay here, you may be lucky to land in one of the renovated rooms, although unfortunately, if you have the same luck as me, it could end up looking like this:

Best of all, the hotel is right around the corner from my favourite deli Speedy's who eventually gave us 10% off because we went there every morning for breakfast, real Speedy's love!!

There is sooo much more I could write about for New York, but this post would probably go on forever, if you have any questions then feel free to ask in the comments!! I'm so grateful to have had the chance to visit this city and I thank you for taking the time to read and support my blog :-)

Picture spam!!


Happy New Year everyone!!!
(if youd like to see a New York haul, let me know in the comments, or Instagram!)

I have a few discount codes for you all!
Pink River London handmade lashes (@pinkriverlondon)  click here - 'CAITS15'
@liliyanafashion online womens store, click here - 'idkcaits10'